rebuild world 在 陳舊的時間(Time Is old) /.王大喜(Rasta Wang) 的影片資訊
2021/05/28音樂及生命紀實上碼 Alchemist Riddle、 The memory, doesn’t belong The missing part, Burning from th...
2021/05/28音樂及生命紀實上碼 Alchemist Riddle、 The memory, doesn’t belong The missing part, Burning from th...
2021/05/27生命記錄 (背景所有音頻一刀未剪取自前面音樂及音頻上碼創作) *相關參考視頻(進階議題保護自己於我的Podbean中播放) 救命!吸溫鹽水入鼻腔及喉嚨的助益, 新此肺炎疫後的痊...
2020/10/29生命與工作紀錄 “光與神經元的死亡與重建。”光體轉換。 「子午線、走陰、走陽」以光代意,化物於氣,重建神經元。 「twilight zone、north、south」,from r...
Ghost of Tsushima ไทย Ghost of Tsushima is an action-adventure stealth game played from a third-per...
Ghost of Tsushima ไทย Ghost of Tsushima is an action-adventure stealth game played from a third-per...
Ghost of Tsushima ไทย Ghost of Tsushima is an action-adventure stealth game played from a third-per...
Ghost of Tsushima ไทย Ghost of Tsushima is an action-adventure stealth game played from a third-per...
Ghost of Tsushima ไทย Ghost of Tsushima is an action-adventure stealth game played from a third-per...
Ghost of Tsushima ไทย Ghost of Tsushima is an action-adventure stealth game played from a third-per...